
Immediately Contact us and the DMV

The first thing you must do after your arrest is to contact the DMV to request a hearing. Even if you do not hire an attorney, this is the first thing you have to do. You are only given 10 days to do so. Otherwise your license is automatically suspended.

Relax and Attempt to Remember

Sit down with a clear head, pen and paper, and write down everything you remember about the night you were arrested. Try to remember:

1. How fast you were going?

2. Why the officer said he stopped you?

3. What questions the officer asked you and your answers?

4. What field tests were given to you?

5. What machines were used?

6. Write down anything and everything you can remember, even if you dont think it is relevant

The sooner you start writing, the better, while the information is still fresh.

Call us to protect your rights.

CALL TODAY (888) 98-NO JAIL; 888-986-6524